Centralized Controlได ้และมีผูใ้หบ้ริการคือMKY ท่ีมีความช านาญในการติดตั้งระบบปรับอากาศ 4. มูลค่ารวมของส่ิงตอบแทน หรือมูลค่ารวมของรายการ: - มูลค่ารวมของรายการเคร่ืองปรับอากาศพร้อมค่าติดตั้งรวมทั้งส้ิน 4,075,200
, such as the trading and installation project for the centralized management infrastructure of information and communication technology of the Provincial Electricity Authority, the New Parliament Project
, such as the trading and installation project for the centralized management infrastructure of information and communication technology of the Provincial Electricity Authority, the New Parliament Project
CAT Telecom Plc. Furthermore, there were some large projects which had just received and delivered in Q3–2020, such as the project for purchasing, installation, and centralized management of information
such as the Trading and Installation Project for the centralized management infrastructure of information and communication technology of the Provincial Electricity Authority, the Project of information
such as the Trading and Installation Project for the centralized management infrastructure of information and communication technology of the Provincial Electricity Authority, the Project of information
of 40.80mb and finance lease payment of 17.4mb. After IPO fund raising, the Company has no financing project as we have ample funds for a working capital and other investment plans. Please be informed
2,281 million, declined from 3Q/2018 by 4% because methyl ester selling price dropped in relation to declined crude palm oil price and glycerine price decreased due to ample supply, though sales volume
centralized management infrastructure of information and communication technology of the Provincial Electricity Authority and the Purchasing and Installation Project of Could system to support the service of
Limited Management Discussion and Analysis | 10 ester plant 2. Furthermore, the company also had an impact from a considerable diminishing of glycerine price due to ample supply, attributed to glycerine