Advanced Connection Corporation Public Company Limited (“the Company”) has received financial relief from the company and subsidiaries for 6 months approval for the second quarter of 2019 ended 30 June 2019
Advanced Connection Corporation Public Company Limited (“the Company”) has received financial relief from the company and subsidiaries for 9 months approval for the quarter 3/2019 ended 30 September 2019. It
However, the government sector and related sectors had laid down the measures to stimulate the expenditure and relieve the economic impact such as Cash Relief amount of Baht 5,000 per month, increase of
of relief applied for, as well as the allegation on which the plaintiff’s claim is based and of the class of persons with the same characteristics as the plaintiff. In a case where the plaintiff sought
temporary suspended. Private consumption contracted as a result of weakening purchasing power and high household debt. Government have implemented financial relief measure to help those affected by the COVID
/ COMPETITIVENESS Offset by Carbon Credit (scope 1,2,3) and/or Compensate by REC / I-REC (scope 2) Climate Action – Mitigation by Low Emission Tech RE, EE, Carbon Reduction/Removal Baseline Emissions (CFO-CFP
sectors to reduce greenhouse gases and promote low carbon and sustainable business operation by taking into consideration the full-cycle mitigation of adverse effects of greenhouse gases is a key measure
ด้านความยั่งยืนและการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ โดยการจัดทำ Thailand Taxonomy ระยะที่ 1 มุ่งเน้นวัตถุประสงค์ด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมเฉพาะมิติด้านการลดก๊าซเรือนกระจก (Climate change mitigation) ในภาคพลังงานและภาคการ
mitigation Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Permanent Secretary, Director-General and high level authority join forces for achievement of GHG emission reduction target as set by improving the
climate change solutions. This may be through climate mitigation impact and/ or climate adaptation or resilience. The CBS is made up of two parts: the parent standard (Climate Bonds Standard v2.1) and a