capital requirement by taking into account the types of business models as well as the existence of lead regulator (if any). Also, certain conditions and periods of protection have been adjusted in this
obtaining upon retirement, both financial and lifestyle management must be appropriately adjusted. The visitors will learn of knowledge on financial planning and management of pensions, financial products for
. Revenues from sales and services decreased from Baht 172.58 million to Baht 133.41 million in the amount of Baht 39.17 million. As a result of the slowdown in the real estate market, the Company adjusted its
บรษัิท โกลบอลกรนีเคมคิอล จ ำกดั (มหำชน) ค ำอธบิำยและกำรวเิครำะหข์องฝ่ำยจัดกำร | 3 จำกปัจจัยดังกลำ่วขำ้งตน้ สง่ผลใหใ้นไตรมำส 3/2560 และ 9M/2560 บรษัิทฯ ม ีAdjusted EBITDA Margin 355 ลำ้นบำทและ 1,359 ลำ้
-23% EBITDA 143 211 -32% 286 -50% อัตราก้าไร EBITDA (%) 5.1% 4.6% 0.5% 7.8% -2.7% Stock Gain/(Loss) & NRV -74 -233 -68% -24 208% Adjusted EBITDA(1) 217 444 -51% 310 -30% Adjusted EBITDA Margin (%) 7.7
) 302.9% Profit (loss) of the year 450.1 17.5% (466.9) (12.2%) (916.9) (203.7%) Adjusted items Net unrealized loss on exchange rate - - 39.2 1.0% 39.2 - Non-recurring items2 (138.7) (5.4%) 329.3 8.6% 467.9
-45% EBITDA Margin (%) 4.6% 7.3% -2.7% 7.4% -2.8% Stock Gain/(Loss) & NRV -233 -33 606% -62 276% Adjusted EBITDA(1) 444 345 29% 449 -1% Adjusted EBITDA Margin (%) 9.6% 8.1% 1.5% 8.6% 1.0% ก ำไรสทุธิ 64
ะหข์องฝ่ายจัดการ | 2 หมายเหตุ : (1) Adjusted EBITDA คือ EBITDA ที(ไม่รวมผลกระทบจาก Stock Gain/(Loss) และ ค่าเผื(อมูลค่าของสนิคา้คงเหลือ (NRV) บทสรปุผูบ้รหิาร ในปี 2560 ภาพรวมของผลผลิตปาล์มนํ5ามันทั 5งใน
9,073 -2% EBITDA 137 228 -40% 211 -35% 348 540 -36% EBITDA Margin (%) 3.2% 4.7% -1.5% 4.6% -1.4% 3.9% 6.0% -2.1% Stock Gain/(Loss) & NRV -149 -425 -65% -233 -36% -382 -458 -17% Adjusted EBITDA(1) 286 653
135.2 18.9 (201.9) (11.5) (249.3%) Adjusted EBITDA1 266.0 37.2 461.6 26.3 73.6% Adjusted profit (loss) for the year 135.5 18.9 (163.0) (9.3) (220.3%) Adjusted profit (loss) for the year after non