securities on the SET and start trading on the 15 December 2017. The conversion of DTCPF to DREIT is a part of the Company’s business plan to strengthen financial capability. Dusit Thai Properties PCL, the
50% of the earnings, making it the single larg- est segment, and provides IVL the ability to capture a larger portion of the value chain as well as re- liably meet customer needs across geographies
Business improved from 31.6% in 1Q2017 to 35.1% in 1Q2018 mainly due to increased selling volume and ability to manage operating costs effectively. Our 1Q2018 Gross Profit was recorded at Baht 149.0 million
-diversified investment causing income dependence on any particular real estate; - risk from types of invested real estates; - risk from the lessees’ capability of rent payment and lease renewal; - other risks
volume, increased selling prices, and ability to manage operating costs. Our 2017 Gross Profit was recorded at Baht 541.4 million, a 4.5% increase from that of 2016. Power Business In 2017, our Share of
ability to capture a larger portion of the value chain as well as reliably meet customer needs across geographies. Other 50% is contributed by PET and Fibers. On a LTM basis, the higher-margins HVA
supported by our cash van strategies which have extended our distribution capability to cover more than 320,000 retailers nationwide via our 31 distribution centers and a sizable fleet of 337 cash vans, as of
-month periods ending 30 June 2017, respectively Our domestic market growth is also supported by our cash van strategies which have extended our distribution capability to cover more than 320,000 retailers
total revenues came from a major counterparty. 2. In term of due diligence, failure to have the following information disclosed:(1) Debt repayment ability of a large debtor which is also the applicant?s
? payment ability. If investors cannot settle the payment and have to seek loans from non-financial institutions at high interest rate, their financial status will be weaken and sooner may also risk brokers