to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholder representative to obtain complete information
clearly provide information to the bondholders together with the opinions of the bondholder representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise
with the opinions of the bondholder representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should
’ representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the
thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholders’ representative to obtain comprehensive information
information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholders’ representative to obtain comprehensive information before making a voting
respective supporting reasons and the opinions of the bondholders’ representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own
and the opinions of the bondholders’ representative. The bondholders are, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should
, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholders’ representatives to obtain comprehensive
, therefore, encouraged to thoroughly review the information and exercise their rights to protect their own interests. They should also make necessary inquiries to the bondholder representative to obtain