risk committee. Communication is the simple key to enable shareowners to effectively engage with companies. Yet the question of with whom, when and how to engage is not so simple. Here are some thoughts
Markets Forum (ACMF) met in Bangkok to endorse the Roadmap on ASEAN Sustainable Capital Markets to promote ASEAN asset classes for sustainable investment, in line with ASEAN’s theme on “Advancing
interest properly, and prioritize advancing the best interest of clients by identifying potential conflicts of interest in various areas such as the management structure, work system, control and risk
in supporting sustainable capital markets and SDG financing, and marks an important milestone in advancing Thailand’s progress towards achieving the SDGs.### UNDP is the leading United Nations
Institutional Investors should: Principle 1: Adopt a Clear Written Investment Governance Policy. Principle 2: Properly Prevent and Manage Conflicts of Interest and Prioritise Advancing the Best Interest of
Institutional Investors should: Principle 1: Adopt a Clear Written Investment Governance Policy. Principle 2: Properly Prevent and Manage Conflicts of Interest and Prioritise Advancing the Best Interest of
สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับหลักทรัพย์และตลาดหลักทรัพย์ (ก.ล.ต.) ร่วมเสวนาในหัวข้อ “Advancing Policies and Enabling Environment” ของงาน WeEmpowerAsia Virtual Forum https://www.sec.or.th/TH/Pages/News_Detail.aspx
Verify เพื่อให้ระบบตรวจสอบขอ้มูลก่อนส่ง (Simple Validation) ถำ้ไม่พบขอ้ผดิพลำดในขั้นตอน Simple Validation ระบบจะแสดงขอ้ควำม “Your selected report on ….. passed validation, please press submit to continue
independently and without bias, advancing beneficiary or client interests as their primary obligation. 1.3 Capacity and effective management Institutional investors should be led by boards and staff with the
together with providing the service in Beauty Wellness Center. In addition it will expand the business to simple surgery or mini surgery and develop branches into the retail store of beauty and cosmetic. 3