Section 91 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 91. Where it is necessary to maintain the economic and financial stability of the country, or to protect the public interest, the Minister
Section 91 Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 Section 91. Where it is necessary to maintain the economic and financial stability of the country, or to protect the public interest, the Minister
Silpa School on the topic, “Financial Literacy for New Generations.” The session aimed to enhance students’ understanding of the SEC’s roles, financial planning, goal setting, and strategies to protect
Nowadays, asset management companies are required to separate investors’ asset from the companies’ ones and introduce measures to protect investors’ assets for other benefits. Asset management
Nowadays, asset management companies are required to separate investors’ asset from the companies’ ones and introduce measures to protect investors’ assets for other benefits. Asset management
website was inaccurately and inconsistently presented to investors, the general public and the SEC. For example, the website did not show the trading prices for coins that were traded at low prices or
approved ICO portal must show readiness of the overall work systems within 180 days from the date of approval. The deadline for the first-year operating fee is also amended to be paid before the first date
disposition of assets of each private fund; (e) System for monitoring and tracking benefits arisen from private fund asset; (f) System to prevent conflict of interest and protect confidential information of
and protect confidential information of private fund; (g) Other systems showing the readiness to undertaking business as specified by the Notification of the Office. (4) Demonstrate that its personnel
ZipUp+, which is the service of Zipmex Pte. Ltd, and gained benefits from digital asset exchange fees. Additionally, such operation of Zipmex had no measure to protect the conflict of interest and to