Bangkok, August 15, 2007 ? The SEC Board at its Meeting No.8/2550 appointed two governors for the Stock Exchange of Thailand Board, effective today. The appointees are Mr. Pakorn Malakul Na Ayudhya and Mr. Wichai Poolworaluk, who succeed Mr. Vijit Supinit and Mr. Niputh Jitprasonk, whose terms of office have expired.
Bangkok, August 8, 2008 ? The SEC Board in its meeting No.8/2008 held on July 31 resolved to appoint three persons to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Board of Governors, as follows: - Mr
members (consisting of executives and representatives from 38 securities firms) held discussions and shared views regarding operations that may affect trust and confidence in the Thai capital market such as
Bangkok, August 20, 2012 ? The SEC revealed that examination on quality assurance of audit firms showed satisfactory result after the issuance of regulation requiring all auditors of companies in the
Bangkok, December 3, 2009 ? The SEC is inviting the public to comment on the draft rules prescribing inappropriate characteristics of directors or management of securities issuers and listed companies whose shares are held by the public.The main objectives of the proposed rules are (1) taking action against existing executives who act improperly, and (2) preventing inappropriate acts of seeking benefits or taking advantage of shareholders of listed companies, which could harm public confidence...
SEC Secretary-General Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol said: “The SEC gives priority to the audit quality control system of audit firms in the capital market, and regularly inspects and issues inspection
Microsoft Word - หนังสือแจ้ง SET Disposal_TSE_TH_ส่ง SET 15Dec2560.doc 1/3 L-WAVE ENT 53/2560 วันท่ี 15 ธันวาคม 2560 เร่ือง การจําหนายไปซึ่งหลักทรัพยในบริษัท ไทย โซลาร เอ็นเนอรยี่ จํากัด
BANGKOK CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED|Index Fund | Offering Date : 31/03/2021 - 01/04/2021
Currently, there are SMEs and startups with good potential for growing into large enterprises. However, they lack broad funding tools and face limitations that prevent them from listing on SET and
Microsoft Word - ORI_MD&A_Q3'18_TH-SET หนา 1 ของ 5 ท่ี ORI-FA004/2561 วันท่ี 10 พฤศจิกายน 2561 เรื่อง ช้ีแจงผลการดําเนินงานของบริษัทและบริษัทยอย สําหรับงวดเกาเดือนสิ้นสุดวันท่ี 30 กันยายน 2561