ชีวิต (Life cycle assessment) MBT – การนำขยะอินทรีย์ไปบำบดัเชิงกลชีวภาพ (Mechanical biological treatment) MRFs - โรงคัดแยกขยะเพื่อนำวสัดุกลับคืน (Material recovery facilities) MSW - ขยะมูลฝอยชุมชน
latter part of the year, bolstering consumer spending and private investment. However, the economic growth was subdued as the economy was still in a recovery stage and goods exports were weak, partly
cooperates with the Department of Royal Forest (“RFD”) to forestry restoration compensation after the cessation zinc operation as stipulated by law and new regulations imposed by RFD. In 2019, it needs to be
Court had reversed the decision of the Central Bankruptcy Court by rejecting the rehabilitation plan and canceling business rehabilitation order issued by the Central Bankruptcy Court. JAS later disclosed
rectified and audited/reviewed financial statements by October 27, 2014.The Supreme Court had reversed the decision of the Central Bankruptcy Court by rejecting the rehabilitation plan and canceling business
สำหรับ การให้บริการ โดยมีเง่ือนไขท่ีชัดเจนทางด้าน ▪ สถานท่ีในการกู้คืนข้อมูล (Location) ▪ ระยะเวลากู้คืนระบบให้บริการ (Service Restoration) ▪ ระยะเวลากู้คืนข้อมลู (Recovery Time Objective: RTO) ▪ ชุดข้อมูล
million increased by 551.3% compared to a net loss of Baht 2.69 million from the same period of previous year. The company cooperates with the Department of Royal Forest (“RFD”) to forestry restoration
, the Board of Directors meeting approved the submission of the petition requesting for entering into business rehabilitation plan. Later the Central Bankruptcy court accepted the petition for the
conversion. On 13 November 2017, the Board of Directors meeting approved the submission of the petition requesting for entering into business rehabilitation plan. Later the Central Bankruptcy court accepted
first MOA is for cooperation in monitoring and oversight of fund mobilizing companies or capital market business operators, entering the rehabilitation process or involved in a bankruptcy case pursuant to