and social responsibility (ESR) and respect for human rights, to increase confidence and Thai capital market standards for the benefit of sustainable growth. The seminar featured special talks by local
act as the loss buffer. The position risk calculation with respect to general market risk and specific risk for various investment including equities, debt instruments, and investment units will be
unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to valuation of investment in PT Sunhub Mining International (SMI), an associated company, and share of loss of investment in SMI
and Q1/2014 financial statements respectively due to limitation on their scope of audit/review. Accordingly, the auditors were unable to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence with respect to
, or business operators under the supervision of SEC, to have awareness of operating business with good governance, social and environmental responsibilities and respect for human rights. The priority
information recording system with respect to derivatives trading, especially pre-trade information and post-trade information in order to support monitoring and examination after derivatives trading (audit
of margin call: (1) the required amount of the initial margin and the maintenance margin . If the derivatives broker calls for a different amount of initial margin or maintenance margin in respect of
evidence of margin call: (1) the required amount of the initial margin and the maintenance margin. If the derivatives broker calls for a different amount of initial margin or maintenance margin in respect of
evidence of margin call: (1) the required amount of the initial margin and the maintenance margin. If the derivatives broker calls for a different amount of initial margin or maintenance margin in respect of
the credit rating process CRAs should endeavour to issue opinions that help reduce the asymmetry of information among borrowers, lenders and other market participants; Independence and conflicts of