Ref: VNT-CPR-2012 Ref: VNT-CPR-2018.001 23 February 2018 Subject: Resolutions of the Board of Directors' Meeting of Vinythai Public Company Limited No.1/2018, Fixing Date of the Annual Ordinary
ราคา London AM Fixing เปน ราคาอางอิงในการคํานวณมลูคาทรัพยสินสุทธิของ กองทุน ณ สิ้นวัน เชนเดยีวกบั ราคาทองคํา ลวงหนาในตลาด TFEX ซึ่งควรเปนมาตรฐาน เดียวกันทีใ่ชสําหรับทุกกองทุนในทองคําแทงใน
appropriate as fixing the base price with certain discount will accommodate and allow flexibility in the divestment procedure of the Company, which is a sale of investment monies in business at quite a high
appropriate as fixing the base price with certain discount will accommodate and allow flexibility in the divestment procedure of the Company, which is a sale of investment monies in business at quite a high
appropriate as fixing the base price with certain discount will accommodate and allow flexibility in the divestment procedure of the Company, which is a sale of investment monies in business at quite a high
Ref: VNT-CPR-2012 Ref: VNT-CPR-2018.001 23 February 2018 Subject: Resolutions of the Board of Directors' Meeting of Vinythai Public Company Limited No.1/2018, Fixing Date of the Annual Ordinary
advisory fee from the inventory shortfall and the maintenance expenses from a major shutdown of methyl ester plant 1, investigating and repairing plant’s equipment of methyl ester plant 2 and three times
repairing and maintenance and the existing machine has insufficient capacity to serve. ท่ีตั้ง 55/2 หมู ่8 ถ. เศรษฐกิจ 1 ต.คลองมะเด่ือ อ.กระทุ่มแบน จ.สมุทรสาคร 74110 Tel. (66) 0-34877485 - 8 Fax. (66) 0
strategy that is based on three major pillars: topline growth, operational excellence, organization development. The “fixing the basics” program is nearly complete, resulting in upgrades of technical assets
acquisition of asset by Listed Company and the connected transaction. The meeting resolved to approve fixing the date for 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be on Friday 27 April 2018 at 9.00 hrs