inconsistent with the ever-advancing technologies and do not allow businesses to access necessary information sufficiently. The FinTech Act would not only reduce such limitations by allowing established
ACC6206/004 28 June 2019 Subject Inform the progress of the sale stock in the subsidiary company To Director/ Managing Director The Stock Exchange of Thailand According to the meeting of the Board of
08:34 Acquisition of asset transaction 15/10/2020 17:37 Notification on Establishment of a New Subsidiary 19/02/2020 13:08 Progress of the Joint Venture Agreement relating to the investment in high-end
The Advisory Committee on Listed Company Monitoring to be chaired by SEC Secretary-General will play the role of monitoring progress on the consideration of legal proceedings and law enforcement
Singapore Court, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) sent a written notice on 28 July 2022, requiring Zipmex to clarify the matter. Today, Zipmex Group has updated the progress on the moratorium
รายละเอียด 29/12/2021 08:46 Asset Disposal and the termination of being a Subsidiary Company of Sabaijai Money Company Limited 19/11/2021 19:09 Report on the progress of a subsidiary company
an electronic transaction and applying FinTech to business operation are still a challenge in Thailand mostly because the governing laws are inconsistent with the ever-advancing technologies and do not
ก.ล.ต. สนับสนุนสถาบันไทยพัฒน์เปิดเผยผลประเมินความคืบหน้าในเรื่องการป้องกันการมีส่วนเกี่ยวข้องกับคอร์รัปชันสำหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียนไทย (Anti-corruption Progress Indicator) ประจำปี 2558 พบบริษัทจดทะเบียน
industrial waste to energy power plant project located at Ratchaburi Industrial Estate and operated by Progress Interchem (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (“Interchem”) with a contracted capacity of 4.0 MW (an installed
final blueprint Example Project A progress % billing % Q3’20 10 - Q3’20 20 - Q4’20 15 10 Q4’20 35 20 Q1’21 20 50 Q2’21 - 20 100 100The entity measures progress according to % billing recognise revenue 99