partly because the overall household purchasing power was not sufficiently strong and household debt remained elevated. Private investment picked up in line with the improved economic outlook, and with
consumption picked up across all spending categories thanks to improvements in domestic demand supported by various government stimulus measures. Private investment expanded at a higher rate, driven by real
traction from the first quarter. The ongoing economic rebound was mainly driven by exports and tourism, whereas domestic spending and investment only gradually picked up. Still, the economy has yet to see
, resulting from the pressure of excess supply of Light Sweet crude in the market; after production of US Shale oil increased. Compared to the previous quarter, the difference between average Dated Brent and
investment picked up in line with the improved economic outlook, and with additional support from the government investment project even in this quarter its growth was lower than the assessment as the delayed
investment picked up in line with the improved economic outlook, and with additional support from the government investment project even in this quarter its growth was lower than the assessment as the delayed
เปรียบเทียบกับ Q2/2559 ปรับลดลง 2.40 เหรียญสหรัฐฯ ต่อ บำร์เรล โดยได้รับแรงกดดันจำกภำวะอุปทำนน้ ำมันดิบชนิด Light Sweet ล้นตลำด หลังจำกกำรผลิตน้ ำมันจำกชั้นหินดินดำน (Shale oil) ของสหรัฐกลับมำขยำยตัวเพิ่ม
, 2014; Davis, and Tama-Sweet, 2012; Ertugrul, Lei, Qiu, and Wan, 2017; Loughran and McDonald, 2020; Baker, Bloom, and Davis, 2016; Ongsakul, Chatjuthamard, Jiraporn, and Chaivisuttangun, 2021; Likitapiwat
Sweet Crude lowering the production and export. While Shale Oil export from the U.S. declined in September due to Hurricane Harvey which resulted in various ports ceasing operation. Summary of the Company
oversupply situation of light sweet crude, whereas supplies were tight during the previous year. Average DTD/DB in Q1/2019 reduced 0.79 $/BBL in comparison to Q4/2018, caused by lower supply of heavy crude oil