were higher than historical norms, caused a hike in sales of cooling items such as air conditioners and fans. The company also undertook various promotional activities, as well as organizing the HomePro
intrinsic value of the assets and business based on historical and potential earnings and cash flow of the business. It has been valued by a range of valuation methods including relative valuation as
) (ใหร้ะบุกรณีอำ้งอิงหลกัทรัพย/์ดชันี หลกัทรัพยต์่ำงประเทศ) : ค่ำควำมผนัผวนในอดีต (Historical Volatility) : สูตรและปัจจยัท่ีใชใ้นกำรค ำนวณรำคำ : ส่วนท่ี 2 ข้อมูลผู้ออก ผูอ้อกใบส ำคญัแสดงสิทธิอนุพนัธ์ : อนัด
. The investors can request additional information and obtain the prospectus at: Address: [ ] Telephone: [ ] Website: [ ] Email: [ ] 2. If the investors have any complaints, they may contact: Address
risks and [ii] analyzing past and present performance so as to forecast future performance. “technical analysis” means an analysis by [i] using historical price and trading volume of capital market
should be rigorous, capable of being applied consistently, and, where possible, result in credit ratings that can be subjected to some form of objective validation based on historical experience. 1.2
[i] using historical price and trading volume of capital market product or historical market activity and [ii] forecasting future performance of securities and derivatives prices or market activity
risks and [ii] analyzing past and present performance so as to forecast future performance; “ technical analysis ” means an analysis by [i] using historical price and trading volume of capital market
performance; “technical analysis” means an analysis by [i] using historical price and trading volume of capital market product or historical market activity and [ii] forecasting future performance of securities
“Company”) that relate to future events, which are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical fact contained herein, includ- ing