therefrom. "securities dealing" means a purchase, sale or exchange, outside the Securities Exchange or an over-the-counter center, of securities, for one's own account in the normal course of business
clearing and settlement shall be made to the clearing house ; (b) a person under over-the-counter derivatives trading or securities trading undertaken through or in the name of the intermediary for the
clearing and settlement shall be made to the clearing house; (b) a person under over-the-counter derivatives trading or securities trading undertaken through or in the name of the intermediary for the
clearing and settlement shall be made to the clearing house; (b) a person under over-the-counter derivatives trading or securities trading undertaken through or in the name of the intermediary for the
) ................................................................................................................................................................ 2. Type of the Applicant: Juristic person established under Thai Law Limited company Public limited company Stock Exchange of Thailand Over-the-counter trading center Association related
ที่จำกัด รวมทั้งอาจยังขาดความโปรงใส่ในด้านราคา เนื่องจากการซื้อขายส่วนใหญ่เกิดข้ึนใน ลักษณะ Over-the-counter ซึ่งเป็นการตกลงซื้อขายกันเอง ก.ล.ต. และ ตลาดหลักทรัพย์ฯ จึงเห็นโอกาสใน การสร้างตลาดรองของ
-the-Counter, or from binding themselves under derivatives in derivative exchanges for a period of five years, and from acting as directors or executives in securities issuing companies or securities
[i] a juristic person established under foreign law which offers service as the exchange or over-the-counter center under the law of such country and [ii] is regulated by the government or securities
management. “foreign exchange” means [i] a juristic person established under foreign law which offers service as the exchange or over-the-counter center under the law of such country and [ii] is regulated by
service as the exchange or over-the-counter center under the law of such country and [ii] is regulated by the government or securities regulator. “market maker” means a person who is appointed to provide