association and the directors of TIA’s Shareholder Rights Protection Volunteer Club, and discussed the ways to enhance shareholder and investor rights protection in response to the changes in capital market
On 15 November 2022, the Capital Market Supervisory Baord Meeting No. 11/2565 passed a resolution approving the proposal for amendment to the regulations on equity allocation to promote clarity. The SEC later conducted a public hearing to gather views and suggestions on the matter from stakeholders during February – March 2023. The finalized amendment to the equity allocation regulations* has recently been issued. Essentially, an equity issuing company is required to comply with the following pr...
During the joint meeting held at the SEC Building yesterday, the SEC, led by Secretary-General Pornanong Budsaratragoon and the management, and the SET, led by President Dr. Pakorn Peetathawatchat and the management, discussed approaches that the SET could adopt to review rules relating to securities trading in cash account, particularly in placing asset as collateral before purchasing in securities. This is to ensure fair treatment between retail investors and foreign institutional investors ex...
At present, securities and derivatives business operators (Thai business operators)* are allowed to provide services for Thai investors’ investment in foreign capital market products through business operators in foreign jurisdictions/countries with their personnel giving investment advice. Under the governing rules and procedures, foreign business operators, having the prescribed characteristics and giving advice or information on foreign currency denominated capital market products through Tha...
-the-counter center in order to reduce barriers to establishment and operation, imposing regulatory measures to enhance the supervisory efficiency of the Stock Exchange of Thailand and introducing
amend other regulations related to ICO portals’ submission and disclosure of financial statements and actions in case of ICO portals’ failure to comply with governing regulations, to enhance efficiency
The provisions proposed to be added are as follows: (1) Provision that will require the association to operate its affairs in accordance with the rules prescribed by SEC Board. If, however, there is any matter that SEC Board has not specifically specified, then the provisions under the Trade Association Act will be applied mutatis mutandis; (2) Provision that will allow the association to invest in certain types of securities, provided that, such investment is made...