provided in item 3.3.3(1) above, as long as the discretion is exercised in furtherance of the objective to facilitate the continuous mobility of the existing Recognised Representative. 3.3.4 Procedure for
stakeholders, and thus bolstering further confidence of both local and foreign investors in our capital market. Due to the substantial effects of audit quality on the reliability of the available financial
information could stimulate trust and confidence in the capital markets, which would in turn sustain long-term economic growth in Thailand. Striving to achieve such quality, it is necessary that all parties
has carried out various undertakings in preserving the trustworthiness of financial reporting system and protecting investors. With respect to audit quality inspection, the results showed that in the 3
not suffering from the same impacts and it should be able to support a large amount of critical business functions or a long-lasting emergengy incidents. In addition, the alternative site should be
main office sufficient for not suffering from the same impacts and it should be able to support a large amount of critical business functions or a long-lasting emergengy incidents. In addition, the
2011 to early 2015 with achievements in lifting up the Thai capital market to match the international standards, enhancing trustworthiness with up-to-date supervisory and preventive measures, promoting
emphasis on, and strive to improve, the quality control in every element on a continued basis. This will help to promote audit quality and build trustworthiness of the financial reporting system of the Thai
mechanism for supervising relevant service providers has also been established to create trustworthiness and increased security. 4 Rules and Regulations Key Points 5. Securities and Exchange Act (No. 6) B.E
undoubtedly fuel our economies and eventually improve the living standards of Thai people and those of our neighboring countries. Strengthening the audit professions As lasting improvements start from within