control the system concentration limit not concise and does not manage the mutual fund management program as approved. SEC Act S.117 and 125(1) in conjunction with Section 90 of the Penal Code
expenses increased 1.5% attributed to higher expenses from the renovation of office building. Exchange loss decreased from 4.2 million baht to 1.3 million baht as we implemented new policy to minimize
with expansion of service stations and non-oil businesses, together with constant refurbishment of service stations. While the industrial sales volume decreased, as a result of the optimization of sales
quarter, as Q4/2018 incurred high amounts of disbursement for expenses related to personnel, marketing promotion, and annual service station refurbishment during the end of the year, resulting in increased
Hotels since April 1, 2020 due to COVID-19 outbreak both in Thailand and overseas earlier this year resulted in a significant drop in foreign tourist visitors and limit domestic travelers from country
suggestions, please email and Thank you again for your kind contribution. 1. Aggregate limit of 3 million baht on total investments in ICOs by each retail investor in any
การจัดสรรครั้งต่อไป (Next Allowable Limit) หมายเหตุ ขออนุมัติวงเงิน 200,000 200,000 0 300,000 รายงานการใช้วงเงิน 100,000 200,000 100,000 300,000 ขออนุมัติวงเงิน 200,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 รายงานการ
การจัดสรรครั้งต่อไป (Next Allowable Limit) หมายเหตุ ขออนุมัติวงเงิน 200,000 200,000 0 300,000 รายงานการใช้วงเงิน 100,000 200,000 100,000 300,000 ขออนุมัติวงเงิน 200,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 รายงานการ
manage liquidity of fixed income funds and mixed funds that invest at least 60 percent of the net asset value in debt securities. The limit for such transactions is increased from 10 percent to 30
investment in renovation of Advertising Media located on the columns under the BTS Sky Trains December 14, 2018 1 Information Memorandum regarding the Acquisition of Assets of Master Ad Public Company Limited