2018 Q3 2019 Increase/ (Decrease) 9M 2018 9M 2019 Increase/ (Decrease) THB mm THB mm % THB mm THB mm % Total Revenue/1 1,756.9 2,244.3 27.7% 7,227.4 9,121.4 26.2% Total Cost 492.6 916.3 86.0% 2,880.8
of last year, mainly due to the one-time excessive charge amounting to THB 80.5 mm recognized during the first half of 2019 considered as one-off item. However, if excluding the one-time excessive
administrative expenses were employee remuneration and write off. Financial Expenses The Company's financial costs in 2019 were equal to 206.2 million Baht, an increase of 72.6 million Baht from the previous year
times as at June 30, 2020 due to an increase in annualized EBITDA from end of year 2019 of 20.12 percent and the financial lease liabilities due within one year decreased by 7.65 percent but there was an
increased by 8.8% and 2.1%, respectively, compared to the same period of previous year. However, if excluding the excessive charge considered as one-off item, the utilities income for 9-month period increased
respectively. The proportion of administrative expenses incurred compared to total revenues were 18.3% and 21.7% respectively. The increase arise mainly from the advisory fees which were mostly one-off expenses
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painted pipe. Now the Company is the leader for Pre-zinc structural pipe and be the one who determines in developing value added products and extends the market for co-related business particularly in the
the ratio of 5.1% in the corresponding period last year due to employee related expenses and one-off item which is a donation of THB 50 million to Chaipattana Foundation to aid fight against COVID-19
an increase in total revenue of 81% YoY. These were mainly from a (one-time) recognition of an upfront 50-year lease payment of a certain office space at Singha Complex and higher contribution from