oil price, which is a substitute raw material compared to growing of crude palm oil price. In contrast, market P2F of natural fatty alcohols in FY2019 was at 507 USD/ton, improved by 8% from FY2018
%. Details of each business can be described as follows: - Credit Card Credit card turnover in the fiscal year 2018 improved by 13% from last year and represented 63% of total turnovers. Revenues from credit
Bangkok, August 20, 2013 ?Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong appointed Sopavadee Lertmanuschai as a financial expert member of the SEC Board, in replacement of Benja Louichareon who resigned
distribution in other potential countries of Africa, Americas, and APAC. For domestic market, substitute products from importers got flooded as strong Thai Baht made overall imports cheaper causing intense price
) Gross profit 18,270 49% 6,412 53% Sales from Producing and distributing electronics spare parts Revenue from sales increased from year 2019, because of increased in diodes order from USA to substitute
distributes Pre- zinc structural steel pipe under the Company’s brand “ZIGA” and electrical conduit under the Company’ s brand “DAIWA”. They are innovative substitute products for hot-dip galvanized product or
production of the company can substitute the import HRC. - As the above reasons, the Company believe that with the new working capital injected to the Company and lower debts (partly are converted to equity
state-of-art steel mill and the production of the company can substitute the import HRC. - As the above reasons, the Company believe that with the new working capital injected to the Company and lower
export value equaled to THB 111,540 million mainly from higher export to China since higher demand of chicken meat consumption to substitute lower supply of pork from disease outbreak. Overall chicken
Business improved from 31.6% in 1Q2017 to 35.1% in 1Q2018 mainly due to increased selling volume and ability to manage operating costs effectively. Our 1Q2018 Gross Profit was recorded at Baht 149.0 million