บริษทั Loop Industries ในการผลิตและการท าตลาดเมด็พลาสติกท่ีย ัง่ยนื เพื่อรองรับความตอ้งการของ ตลาดท่ีก าลงัเพ่ิมข้ึนในระดบัสากล บริษทัร่วมทุนในร้อยละ 50 น้ีจะมีสิทธิในการใชเ้ทคโนโลยขีอง Loop ท่ีจะผลิตเมด็
partly because the overall household purchasing power was not sufficiently strong and household debt remained elevated. Private investment picked up in line with the improved economic outlook, and with
partly because the overall household purchasing power was not sufficiently strong and household debt remained elevated. Private investment picked up in line with the improved economic outlook, and with
purchasing power. However, from Sep-21 onward, restrictions were gradually lifted, resulting in some improvement in consumer spending. Meanwhile, competition in mobile industry remained elevated as operators
to increase its use of post-consumer PET and polyester waste materials as part of global agreement to combat plastic waste, being led by Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Formed a JV with Loop Industries
, domestic demand would be restrained by elevated household debt, some signs of moderation in earnings and employment in the export-related manufacturing sector, as well as public spending and public
, domestic demand would be restrained by elevated household debt, some signs of moderation in earnings and employment in the export-related manufacturing sector, as well as public spending and public
household debt remained elevated, economic expansion had yet to benefit household income in a broad-based manner, and the low level of some agricultural price resulting in a gradual improvement. Private
household debt remained elevated, economic expansion had yet to benefit household income in a broad-based manner, and the low level of some agricultural price resulting in a gradual improvement. Private
. On the domestic front, elevated household debt remains a constraint to purchasing power. In the meantime, domestic political situation also warrants monitoring as the government is preparing for an