interruption loss of profit 2 As per internal classification and includes depreciation and amortization expenses 3 As per internal classification and includes gain on bargain purchase on new acquisitions and
Consolidated Statement of Income 1 As per internal classification and includes insurance claim for business interruption loss of profit 2 As per internal classification and includes depreciation and amortization
1 August 17, 2018 Subject: Capital Increase for Offering for Sale to Specific Investors (Private Placement), Connected Transaction, Amendments to Articles of Association/Objectives of the Company and Determination of the Date of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosures: 1. Information Memorandum on the Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary Shares to Specific Investors (Private Placement) at the Offering Price with a Discount of...
1 August 17, 2018 Subject: Capital Increase for Offering for Sale to Specific Investors (Private Placement), Connected Transaction, Amendments to Articles of Association/Objectives of the Company and Determination of the Date of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No. 1/2018 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosures: 1. Information Memorandum on the Offering of Newly Issued Ordinary Shares to Specific Investors (Private Placement) at the Offering Price with a Discount of...
and to monitor the progress of the supporting measures including diversion of water to various reservoirs. • The Thai Financial Reporting Standard has been effective in 2020, in which the significant
classification and includes insurance claim for business interruption loss of profits (2) This by our internal classification includes deprecia- tion and amortization expenses (3) This by our internal
ROCE (before JV’s and M&A Annualized) % 15.8% 12.7% 11.4% 12.8% 9.9% (1) This by our internal classification and includes insurance claim for business interruption loss of profits (2) This by our
internal classification and includes insurance claim for business interruption loss of profits (2) This by our internal classification includes depreciation and amortization expenses (3) This by our internal
classification and includes insurance claim for business interruption loss of profits (2) This by our internal classification includes depreciation and amortization expenses (3) This by our internal classification
สถานะท่ีไมสามารถใหบริการได (Interruption) เชน อุปกรณ คอมพิวเตอรเสียหาย สายโทรศัพทไมสามารถใชงานได หรือไมสามารถใชระบบฐานขอมูลได เปนตน ซึ่งอาจมีผลทํ าใหการซื้อขายหลักทรัพย หรือการใหบริการ