from the announcement. Financial structure The Company emphasizes the importance of financial structure management efficiency which should be flexible in difficult circumstances and able to maintain the
burn drinks that contain fibersol, L-carnitine and vitamin B. These new launches have represented Osotspa’s start-up spirits, for the products to be tested and tried by target consumers. We have
logistic and transportation sectors and subsidized B10 and B20 to be lower than B7, as well as assigned the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) to purchase CPO to burn as fuel to generate
as health, wellness and aging society. Several new launches include, “Slimma”, a block and burn drink that contains fibersol, L-carnitine and vitamin B, “Peptein Gold”, natural superfoods which provide
ให้บรษิัทอำจไม่สำมำรถชดใช้ควำมเสียหำยได้ - กำรมีเงินทนุน้อยอำจก่อให้เกิดกรณีกำรใช้เงินทุนหมดไปกบั ค่ำใช้จ่ำยในกำรปฏิบตัิงำน (cash burn out) ซ่ึงจะส่งผลเสียหำยต่อ ควำมเชื่อมั่นของผู้ลงทนุ - กำรก ำหนดทุน
be served adequately. At the same time, OSP continues to build its functional drinks seeding products launched last year in e-commerce channel, including Slimma, a block and burn drink that contains
start of this project are lower than buying new lands for development. At present, to procure or to collect big plots of land that have adjacent area are quite difficult and use a lot of investment funds
majority and sheer number of parties, governing could prove difficult. A large stimulus package is expected and large-scale projects are likely to go ahead. This should help boost the economy going forward
locations, also forecast economic growth4 to contract by -6.2% and -4.4%, respectively. This year will, therefore, be a most difficult year for all businesses. For MACO, we expect the Company’s performance to
economic front and greater political issues. Therefore, 2020 will be the most difficult and unpredictable year for the Company. For MACO, we expect the Company’s performance to be negatively affected by the