status may cause damage or having any circumstance which indicates an ongoing financial problem; (3) there is no reasonable grounds to believe that there is a defect or inappropriateness relating to the
financial status may cause damage or having any circumstance which indicates an ongoing financial problem; (3) there is no reasonable grounds to believe that there is a defect or inappropriateness relating to
financial status may cause damage or having any circumstance which indicates an ongoing financial problem; (3) there is no reasonable grounds to believe that there is a defect or inappropriateness relating to
. Pricing environment were maintained with some discount to encourage port-in customers and prepaid to postpaid migration. For the fixed broadband market, although prices and speed of main packages were
increasing 0.8% QoQ. Underpinned by attractive handset campaigns and continuing prepaid- to- postpaid migration, postpaid segment added 354k subscribers while ARPU declined 1. 2% QoQ to Bt564. Prepaid segment
handset discounts and prepaid- to-postpaid migration, while prepaid segment acquired a net addition of 360k following an uptake in segmented SIMs and improving churn management. Fixed broadband subscribers
handset bundling and pre- to-post migration. Prepaid segment grew robustly, adding 888k underpinned by strong acquisition and government stimulus campaigns as well as improving churn management. Although
(license migration) (1) กรณี IC ตลำดทุน/ IC หลักทรัพย์ และผู้วำงแผนกำรลงทุน (investment planner : IP) เมื่อปรับโครงสร้างใหม่แล้ว (ประกาศมีผลใช้บังคับ) ให้บุคลากรกลุ่มนี้สามารถปฏิบัติ หน้าที่ต่อไปได้ แต่ต้อง
Microsoft Word - 2Q17 MDA EN FINAL.docx Executive AIS continued strengthening growth throug while protect CAPEX of Bt efficiency to Meanwhile, a pricing were postpaid sub migration
(“CFP”) module 1 และ 2 แล้ว จะขอให้ส ำนักงำนพิจำรณำยอมรับกำรอบรม CFP module 1 และ 2 เป็นกำร เข้ำอบรมตำมแนวทำง migration ไปสู่ IC โครงสร้ำงใหม่ได้ด้วย ควำมเห็นส ำนักงำน ส ำนักงำนเห็นว่ำ สำมำรถพิจำรณำนับ