% Property, plant and equipment 823.82 52% 712.57 51% Biological assets – dairy cow 47.16 3% 46.27 3% Others 54.68 4% 55.53 4% Total assets 1,567.31 100% 1,385.63 100% Total assets were Baht 1,567.31 million
in associated company 280.49 14% 286.20 17% Property, plant and equipment 779.69 38% 871.72 52% Right-of-used 223.01 11% - - Biological assets – dairy cow 48.53 2% 45.97 2% Others 51.32 3% 48.46 3
% Trade and other receivables 199.61 12% 120.51 9% Inventories 161.04 10% 119.88 8% Investment in associated company 319.19 20% 352.51 25% Property, plant and equipment 821.88 51% 712.57 51% Biological
associated company 432.44 30% 483.96 36% Property, plant and equipment 645.19 45% 558.59 42% Biological assets – dairy cow 46.06 3% 44.28 3% Others 52.80 4% 61.09 4% Total assets 1,441.64 100% 1,345.45 100
124.55 9% 104.83 8% Investment in associated company 397.46 28% 483.96 36% Property, plant and equipment 644.04 46% 558.59 42% Biological assets – dairy cow 45.60 3% 44.28 3% Others 61.05 5% 61.09 4% Total
subsidiary’s net assets for the amount of THB 343.72 million. This discrepancy was deducted in shareholders' equity as changes of the proportion of subsidiary. 31 Mar. 31 Mar. 31 Dec. Mar 19 - Mar 19 - Unit
discrepancy between the two Acts, which one auditor should adhere to? A: The requirement on information disclosure aims to protect auditor who has discovered suspicious circumstance acquired from normal
discrepancy between the two Acts, which one auditor should adhere to? A: The requirement on information disclosure aims to protect auditor who has discovered suspicious circumstance acquired from normal
from change in fair value of biological assets 9.70 Million Baht. The main cause is the value of economic trees that was recorded in the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2016
improvement. Other Transaction In Year 2018, the company recorded Baht 34.0 million from gain on changes in fair value less costs to sell biological asset, gain on sales deposits from land Baht 22.2 million and