investors.In addition, the SEC asked asset management company to develop mutual funds to serve demand for savings and tailored for particular groups of investors, for instance (i) mutual funds for savings
service station, including the convenience store business, “SPAR”, and the Inthanin Coffee Shop under the management of Bangchak Retail Co., Ltd., to answer to consumers’ needs for increased convenience and
restaurant and convenience store businesses to encourage consumers to spend via QR code in lieu of cash, the launch of full-service K CONNECT-LG to enable customers to issue or renew a letter of guarantee and
ไขของ รายการตอ่ผู้ ถือหุ้นของบริษัทฯ เพื่อประกอบการพิจารณาอนมุตัิการท ารายการ โดยที่ประชุมคณะกรรมการบริษัทฯ ครัง้ที่ 7/2561 เมื่อวนัที่ 21 กุมภาพนัธ์ 2562 มีมติอนุมตัิแต่งตัง้ให้บริษัท เจย์ แคปปิตอล
................................................................... 7 VII. INFORMATION ABOUT THE ISSUER .................................................................... 7 VIII. OPERATING AND FINANCIAL REVIEW AND PROSPECTS ...................................... 9
countries has consistently. Including the sales volume from clients in the convenience store business line, which expand the business to new branch continually such as a water purification system, roller
Secretary of the Securities and Exchange Commission The company clarify cause and reason if relative performance of a particular company varies more than 20% compared to previous year; we hereby explain our
developing new platforms, have significant effects on the company’s income structure especially advertising revenue. However, our company isn’t rely on only this particular income. There are other channels
new platforms, have significant effects on the company’s income structure revenue. However, our company isn’t rely on only this particular income. There are other channels, such as organizing seminars
the duties of various parties involved with any particular bond, including bondholder representatives and bond registrars. This joint proposal for revising the Terms and Conditions builds on the