sale of SPP1 as an additional condition precedent of the Share Purchase Agreement to be in accordance with the resolution of ERC. After the company purchases the shares, and it will make a tender offer
order to be in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance and to provide the sufficient information for the investors to make a decision. 4. Acknowledgment of the acquisition of assets in
ในกำรจัดสรรพื้นที่และจัด ระเบยีบใหม้บีรกิำรรำ้นอำหำรแบบเดลเิวอรีแ่ละแบบซือ้กลับบำ้นโดยค ำนงึถงึมำตรกำรเวน้ ระยห่ำงทำงสังคม (Social Distancing) อย่ำงเคร่งครัด รวมถงึกำรจัดท ำระบบ Chat and Shop, Call
total value of consideration for the Transaction is the amount of USD 100.00 million or equivalent to approximately Baht 3,522.00 million. 5.2 Payment Terms The Company shall make payment of consideration
. Appendix 1 18 5.2 Payment Terms The Company shall make payment of consideration for the Transaction in cash, subject to the conditions precedent specified in the relevant Agreements being fulfilled or waived
the above, the Company expects that Hero Experience will make the great profit in the future. 10. Source of fund The fund used for payment in Share Acquisition Transaction for total price of Baht
12,935 Square Meters, hosting maximum of 10,950 customers per day. Given the above, the Company expects that Hero Experience will make the great profit in the future. บมจ.107537002109 บริษทั ดีมีเตอร
services for meet the consumers' needs and create the impressive highest. To emphasize the follow up result of improved Information Technology Systems in order to make decision and problem solving on timely
statements speak only as at the date of this presentation, and the Company does not undertake any duty or obligation to supplement, amend, update or revise any such statements. The Company does not make any
customers per day. Given the above, the Company expects that Hero Experience will make the great profit in the future. 10. Source of fund The fund used for payment in Share Acquisition Transaction for total