คำอธิบายและการวิเคราะห์ของฝ่ายจัดการ 28 February 2020 Re: To clarify the financial statements as of 31 December 2019 To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand As WHA Corporation Public Company
February 28, 2020 Ref: SET-2020-003 Re: Management Discussion and Analysis for the year 2019 Attn. to: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Filter Vision Public Company Limited and its
บริษัท ทาคูนิ กรุ๊ป จ ากดั (มหาชน) เลขท่ี 140/1 ถนนกาญจนาภิเษก แขวง/เขตบางแค จังหวัดกรุงเทพฯ 10160 โทร. 02-455-2888 แฟกซ์. 02-455-2763 TAKUNI GROUP PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 140/1 KHANJANAPISEK RD
-Translation- Ref. WINNER 018/2020 May 14, 2020 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis for the 3-month period ending 31 March 2020 To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand 1. Analysis of
, 2020. To : The President and Governing Members of The Stock Exchange Market of Thailand For the first quarter of 2020, Real estate transfer activities of condominium and house totaled 3,393.9 million
a result of the ability to maintain profitability, the stock buyback, and the Company’s interim dividend payment. Quarter Quarter Quarter 1/2019 4/2019 1/2020 Current ratio 0.63 0.64 0.57 Debt to
% Authorized share capital 140 140 0.0% Issued and fully paid-up share capital 140 140 0.0% Share premium 6 6 0.0% Retained earnings 629 628 0.1% Other components of equity 248 225 10.4% Deduct: Treasury stock
- Translation - No. LMJG/SET/2020/013 May 18th, 2020 Subject: Clarification for the change of Operating Results more than 20% Attention: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Impact from the
No. CAZ 017/2020 07 August 2020 Subject: Management Discussion and Analysis for the 2nd Quarter ended 30 June 2020 Attention: The President, The Stock Exchange of Thailand CAZ (Thailand) Public
- Translation - Page 1 of 5 CBG 023/2020 7 August 2020 Subject Management discussions and analysis the 3-month and 6-month period ended 30 June 2020 To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand We