. Several claimants sharing a like claim against the respondent on the common grounds of laws and facts against the respondent may jointly file the dispute to the Office, provided that each claimant seeks
dispute. Clause 8. Several claimants sharing a like claim against the respondent on the common grounds of laws and facts against the respondent may jointly file the dispute to the Office, provided that each
dispute. Clause 8. Several claimants sharing a like claim against the respondent on the common grounds of laws and facts against the respondent may jointly file the dispute to the Office, provided that each
transaction occurred. 2) In case of free transfer fee and common area fee (if any) are considered payable to customers or expenses paid for the customers and therefore shall be treated as a reduction of the
capital 231.0 2,497.0 Retained earnings 3,011.3 2,508.7 Surplus on business combination under common control 328.0 353.1 Other components of SE -239.5 -429.5 Non-Controlling Interest 108.6 202.9 Total
Being a person under Section 258 of the Managing Director of SCT 2. Chokwatana Co., Ltd. 140,620 0.12 Major shareholder of SPI which held 16.80% of total issued and paid-up shares of SPI Have 3 common
shares of SPI Have 3 common directors with SPI who are Mr. Boonsithi Chokwatana, Mr. Boonchai Chokwatana, and Mr. Boonkiet Chokwatana 3. International Laboratories Corp., Ltd. 186,500 0.16 Have 30.27
ชำวไทยและตำ่งชำต ิ บรษิทั เซ็นทรลัพฒันา จ ากดั (มหาชน) ค ำอธบิำยและกำรวเิครำะหข์องฝ่ำยจัดกำร หนำ้ที ่3 จำก 16 การกระจายการลงทนุเพือ่แสวงหาแหลง่รายไดใ้หม ่ (Income diversification) เ ปิ ดตั ว Common
accounting policy, the Group immediately recorded commission as selling expenses when the transaction occurred. 2) Free transfer fee and common area fee - the Group considers the fees to be considerations
commission as selling expenses when the transaction occurred. 2) Free transfer fee and common area fee - the Group considers the fees to be considerations payable to customers or expenses paid for the