Government Organization and State Enterprise under the relevant incorporating law, including state-owned business enterprise which is not a juristic person; (7)3 repealed. (8) “Stock Exchange” means the Stock
concerning Approval of Auditors in Capital Market , only for providing service under Paragraph 1 of clause 8 (3) or (6) only functions relating to the accounts and finance of clients; (3) the Stock Exchange of
) or (6) only functions relating to the accounts and finance of clients; (3) the Stock Exchange of Thailand, or a limited company or a public limited company established by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
) or (6) only functions relating to the accounts and finance of clients; (3) the Stock Exchange of Thailand, or a limited company or a public limited company established by the Stock Exchange of Thailand
whom the Stock Exchange of Thailand is of the opinion that are not appropriate to be executives under the regulations of the Stock Exchange of Thailand: O yes O no 6.13 pending under accusation or
incompetent person or a quasi incompetent person: O yes O no 6.12 Being a person whose name is under the list of persons whom the Stock Exchange of Thailand is of the opinion that are not appropriate to be
incompetent person or a quasi incompetent person: O yes O no 6.12 Being a person whose name is under the list of persons whom the Stock Exchange of Thailand is of the opinion that are not appropriate to be
sales volumes. The sharp decline in the Finished Goods prices has also led to a decline in Raw material prices and the Company suffered devaluation loss on Finished Goods stock, Raw Material in stock and
คณะกรรมการของบรษัิท ครัง้ท่ี 13/2562 ซึง่ประชมุเม่ือวนัท่ี 17 ธนัวาคม 2562 MPIC เป็นบรษัิทท่ีมีหลกัทรพัยจ์ดทะเบียนใน The Philippine Stock Exchange และเป็นผูพ้ฒันาโครงการ โครงสรา้งพืน้ฐานขนาดใหญ่ในประเทศ
Catering Co., Ltd (“Epicure”); the Company’s subsidiary, entered into the purchase agreement to buy 100% shares in The Caterer Joint Stock Company, which it operates catering and beverage business in Vietnam