122 28% 647 462 40% ก าไรหลกัสุทธิหลงัหักภาษีเงินได ้และส่วนไดเ้สียท่ีไม่มีอ านาจควบคุม (Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI ) ลา้นเหรียญสหรัฐ 117 137 74 59% 459 274 68% ก าไรหลกัสุทธิหลงัหักภาษีเงินได
122 28% 647 462 40% ก าไรหลกัสุทธิหลงัหักภาษีเงินได ้และส่วนไดเ้สียท่ีไม่มีอ านาจควบคุม (Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI ) ลา้นเหรียญสหรัฐ 117 137 74 59% 459 274 68% ก าไรหลกัสุทธิหลงัหักภาษีเงินได
เหรียญ สหรัฐ Core Net Profit เพ่ิมข้ึนเป็น 2.6 พนัลา้นบาท ผลการด าเนินงานท่ีแข็งแกร่งของธุรกิจ Combined PET ซ่ึงเป็นผลมาจากสถานการณ์ COVIDไดแ้รงขบัเคล่ือนจากอุปสงค ์ PET ท่ีแขง็แกร่ง อตัราก าไรของ
other shareholders; 2. there is a possibility of failure to protect shareholders’ rights by causing any person to gain a financial benefit other than what should normally be gained or by causing the
the effective solutions to CSR problems should contain all pillars in order to gain benefit from their synergistic effects. Finally, a main channel for CSR in driving firm value is social engagement
basis for calculating fee, including method of payment of fee or other benefit for the investment advisory company; (9) procedure of filing complaint, name, address, telephone number of the person or
other persons or for the benefit of the derivatives business operator, including a person who is authorized by the Board of Directors to be a member of a committee who performs the duty in management
, derivatives operation, supervision of derivatives operation, or research relating to derivatives contract, regardless of the fact that such function provides services for other persons or for the benefit of the
provides services for other persons or for the benefit of the derivatives business operator, including a person who is authorized by the Board of Directors to be a member of a committee who performs the duty
of work is to provide services for other persons or for the benefit of the company itself; “Executive director” means any person who is appointed by the board of directors as executive director or