status. In order to ensure that all parties concerned understand and duly comply with the guidelines, the Office hereby offers clarification regarding the consideration of the skills and knowledge based on
BTS Group Green Bond Presentation Disclaimer Investment involves risk. Prospective should understand the characteristics of Securities and study information about BTS Group Holdings Public Company
principle of circular economy. The key of recycling is proper sorting of waste. To encourage people to sort their waste and understand the recycling principles, we therefore start the Won project and
conduct a significant amount of in-house training? How does the firm ensure that their staff understand the knowledge? 13 Discuss how accounting and auditing technical updates are communicated to audit
their investors, as well as other constituents of the company, have enough information to understand the drivers of, and risks to, sustainable financial performance. They recognize that they are
employees understand their responsibility for appropriate behaviour. There should be appropriate board level and staff training in all aspects relating to corporate culture and ethics. Due diligence and
the SME segment and introduce additional features such as modern employee self-services bundled with payroll outsourcing at a competitive rate. We hope to serve the SMEs in providing quality services to
บุคลากรของตนเองมากขึ้น สอดคล้องกับ วัตถุประสงค์ของส านักงานที่ต้องการให้บริษัทหลักทรัพย์มี self-discipline • ต้องการให้เปิดเผยหลักเกณฑ์การลงโทษให้ชัดเจนมากข้ึน (จาก Stakeholder Survey ปี 2559) เพื่อใช้เป็น
) write-off non-refundable deposit for the interest purchase of THB 0.71 million, resulted from terminating the agreement to purchase interest in Soma Kyodo Self-Generation Development GK (“SKD”) in
ำหนดไว้ เท่ำกบั 50,000 บำทต่อบริษทั หำกนิติบุคคลทัว่ไปตอ้งกำรลงทุนมำกกวำ่ investment limit ตอ้งพิสูจน์คุณสมบติั (self-declaration) ดงัน้ี (ก) มีควำมรู้ควำมเช่ียวชำญหรือประสบกำรณ์ในดำ้น กำรลงทุน ดำ้น