CONSTRUCTION ABBREVIATION & OUR PROJECTS Management’s Discussion and Analysis B.GRIMM POWER PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED12 Disclaimer None of the Company makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to
different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Please note that the company and executives/staff do not control and cannot guarantee
uncertainties which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking
, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward- looking statements. Please note that the company and executives
portfolio exposure in another countries and the degree of home bias are the main factors that determined the financial market spillover. However, strong linkages between countries are not necessarily implied
board should ensure that the development of remuneration structures for company employees reinforce, and do not undermine, sustained value creation. Performance-based remuneration for staff should
customer, which has been negotiated and prepared for a certain period of time. For overseas market expansion plan, the Company plans to utilize strengths of a business in each country to reinforce one
เข้าถึงระบบดิจิตอล ICT ในชนบทของสเปน, ลงทุนใน Social Funds เพ่ือจัดหาเงิน ให ้Social Enterprises 2Danone ecosystem fund : strengthen and develop the activities of stakeholders within Danone’s ecosystem
demonstrate a thorough understanding of its leadership role, assume its responsibilities in overseeing the company, and strengthen good governance, including: (1) defining objectives; (2) determining means
actively promote good governance and strengthen market surveillance. As 2004 also marked the conclusion of this government’s first term, looking back, it has been a productive four-year period. Several goals