loan of the Company and its subsidiary was resulted from the continuous growth of the Company’s performance and the sufficiant liquidity that led to the repayment of long-term loan from financial
. Administrative expenses increased due to continuous expansion. Financial costs For the third quarter period ended on 30 September 2018, the Company had finance costs of 4.92 million Baht, a decrease of 3.36
. This was mainly from the continuous expansion of studio business in Singapore and healthy food business. The Company recorded share of profit from Absolute Yoga of Baht 1.95 million in this quarter
rating methodology for each class of entity or obligation for which the CRA issues credit ratings. Each credit rating methodology should be rigorous, capable of being applied consistently, and, where
structures of the Company. The sale of Komchadluek Business and Trademark will reduce risks concerning loss since KMM has encountered continuous loss in the past. The sale of mentioned assets will enable the
AIA Company Limited AIA Company Limited , an intermediary provides services for selling and buying investment units through omnibus account, has to govern the service under the provisions being
the duty of a director, a manager or a person with power of management, or an advisor: (1) being or having been a bankrupt; (2) having been imprisoned by the judgement of a court which is final for an
duty of a director, a manager or a person with power of management, or an advisor: (1) being or having been a bankrupt; (2) having been imprisoned by the judgement of a court which is final for an
COMPANY LIMITED Disclosure Business News ( 2 record(s) found) Date Time Heading Link 23/12/2021 18:26 Asset Disposal and the termination of being a subsidiary of PAE Technical Service Public Company Limited
Successmore Being Public Company Limited Successmore Being Public Company Limited (“SCM”), failed to comply with the rules, conditions and procedures as specified in the notification of the Capital