expand 4 percent for the whole of 2017. The report showed that Thailand’s export was improved mainly from a global trade recovery in which agricultural and electronic products were major contributions. In
than 90 percent of the market price per share of the Company’s ordinary shares; (4) in case of the Company distributing dividends, whether in whole or in part in the form of stock dividend; (5) in case
which is the case of having inappropriate behaviors in regard to serving customers, investors or capital market as a whole in significant matters which may affect the creditability of asset appraisal in
representation, whether as to the past or the future and no reliance, in whole or in part, should be placed on the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained herein. Further
presence in Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as making strategic investments in system integration and printing to support our expansion of our media network for the whole group. In addition, MACO recently
returning value to our shareholders”. 2. Outlook In 2018 as a whole, the Thai economy expanded 4.1%, +4.0% year-on-year and looking ahead, the economy is expected to continue growing at a robust pace in 2019
from inside and outside of Thailand will be increased from this policy Retail business, Whole sale business, Restaurant and Hotel business will be increased and it will driving our Group's sale to
business performance as a whole. The Company and its subsidiaries will closely monitor and control the operation to achieve our turnaround plan as set.
decrease of THB 110 million and the remaining amount of THB 1,043 million, a decrease of THB 236 million. The reduction was mainly due to the whole repayment of loans in related to the capacity expansion
consumption sentiment effecting whole foodservice and retail industry in Thailand. • Revenue from Non-café in Q4/2019 was THB 10 million which decreased by THB 7 million or 41% from Q4/2018 due to the lower