Rapid changes from technological advancements, consumer behavior and greater expectations of investors are causing listed companies to adjust their business strategies by incorporating good
As a result of the current situation, business operators have to self-adjust in response to technological disruption, the changing environment, and investors’ changing behaviors in order to
, using technology to improve business efficiency and adjust themselves to correspond with technological rapid changing during digital age, including business matching activity to drive business growth
goals. The financial experts will guide and educate the participants about personal finance, debt management, saving and investment suitable to their profiles. Then, the participants must plan and adjust
remain constant, the mutual fund management company shall adjust the number of the investment units according to the changes in NAV or the investment unit values. Authority of the SEC Fund managers Mutual
แนวทางของสมาคม enhanced KYC/CDD โดย identify & verify ตามแนวทางที่สมาคมกําหนด - รวบรวมขอมูลเพิ่ม - verify เพิ่มจากแหลงที่เช่ือถือได - การประเมินมาตรการ AML/CFT (กรณีลูกคาที่เปนสถาบันการเงินตางประเทศ
Prioritise Advancing the Best Interest of Clients 40 Principle 3 Make Informed Investment Decisions and Engage in Active Ongoing Monitoring of Investee Companies 42 Principle 4 Apply Enhanced Monitoring of and
(Authentication) 3. การท าความรู้จักลูกค้าเพ่ือให้บริการเหมาะสม (Customer Due Diligence) 4. การทบทวนข้อมูลลูกค้า/ การท าความรู้จักลูกค้าเชิงลึก (Ongoing/ Enhanced KYC) นอกจากนั้น แนวปฏิบัตินี้ยังมีเนื้อหาในเรื่อง
information, development of indices, capacity building, and enhanced inter-agency coordination. The Roadmap will reiterate the ACMF’s efforts to develop sustainable finance in the region which commenced with
program and offering of new shares to the public by the private sector. Mechanism for investors to protect themselves were also much enhanced with the introduction of the dispute settlement through