Discussion and Analysis for the year 2020 ended as of December 31, 2020 Attention: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand AI Energy Public Company Limited (“the Company”) would like to submit the financial
Discussion and Analysis for 2nd quarter ended as of June 30, 2021 Attention: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand AI Energy Public Company Limited (AIE) would like to submit the financial statement for 2nd
right to purchase, or to convert those securities into, shares of such business; (2) “Business” means a company whose shares are listed on the Stock Exchange; (3) “SEC Notification No. KorChor. 53/2545
กบัจ านวนสิทธิออกเสียงทั้งหมดภายหลงัการเพิ่มทุน ตัวอย่างการค านวณ 1 กรณีท่ีกิจการซ้ือหุน้คืน (treasury stock) ให้ใชจ้ านวนสิทธิออกเสียงของหุ้นท่ีจ าหน่ายไดแ้ลว้ทั้งหมด - หุ้นท่ีซ้ือคืนและยงัคงคา้งอยู ่ณ
transaction including additional announcement and according to the announcement of the Stock Exchange of Thailand regarding the revealing of operating data of registered company in connected transaction B.E
such services, identify the providers and disclose the extent to which they follow, rely upon or use recommendations made by such services. Institutional investors should disclose their approach to stock
and Allocation of Securities to the Specific Investor (Private Placement) To The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Attachment 1. Information Memorandum regarding the Acquisition of Assets and
., and Schedule for the EGM of Shareholders No. 1/2019 To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure: 1. Information Memorandum of Hydrotek Public Company Limited on Disposal of Assets and
., and Schedule for the EGM of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (Revised) To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure: 1. Information Memorandum of Hydrotek Public Company Limited on Disposal of
., and Schedule for the EGM of Shareholders No. 1/2019 (Revised2) To: The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Enclosure: 1. Information Memorandum of Hydrotek Public Company Limited on Disposal of