Phatra Securities. The stock symbol for Kiatnakin Phatra Bank Public Company Limited will remain the same as KKP. Previous Name New Name Kiatnakin Bank Public Company Limited Kiatnakin Phatra Bank Public
0 ] Ref. No. IVL 001/05/2021 6 May 2021 The President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Subject: Submission of Quarterly Review of Financial Statements and the Management Discussion and Analysis of
5.1(1); (2) specify the future procedure for executing transactions between the REIT and the Trustee and its relating person accordingly: (a) to disclose information through the Stock Exchange of
such shares to the public, or have such shares listed on the Stock Exchange, unless an application is filed and an approval is granted to the company for an offer for sale of newly issued shares in 13
or document submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Capital Market Supervisory Board, the SEC Office, the Stock Exchange of Thailand or investor, or [II] a collusion with others to do
attending the meeting and having the right to vote without any objection on the proposed offering 1 Market price means the weighted average price of the Company’s ordinary shares traded on the Stock Exchange
shareholders attending the meeting and having the right to vote without any objection on the proposed offering 1 Market price means the weighted average price of the Company’s ordinary shares traded on the Stock
shares traded on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (the “SET”) for 7 consecutive days prior to the date on which the Board of Directors resolved to propose the said offering for approval at the Extraordinary
กำรจ ำหน่ำยของธุรกิจกำรตลำดลดลงเล็กน้อย มำจำกปริมำณกำรจ ำหน่ำยในตลำดอุตสำหกรรมที่ลดลงถึง 15 % จำกกำรบริหำรจัดกำร STOCK ก่อนกำรซ่อมบ ำรุงโรงกล่ันประจ ำปี 2561 ภำยใต้สภำวะกำรแข่งขันในตลำด อุตสำหกรรมที่
Notification of the Board of Governors of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: the Disclosure of Information and Other Acts of Listed Companies Concerning the Acquisition and Disposal of Assets B.E. 2547 (2004