flow of Apollo’s deal, real estate projects for sales under development of 12,181 million Baht, Account Receivable of 99 million Baht, Inventory of 207 million Baht, building improvement, sales gallery
by taking into account the market rental rate, throughout 48 years of lease period with the total amount of 2,896,796,421 Baht. 8. Expected Benefits to the Company We are planning to invest more in
determine the total value of consideration The rental rate is the rate agreed between the parties by taking into account the market rental rate, throughout 48 years of lease period with the total amount of
item. 8. Opinion of the Board of Directors on the entering into the connected transaction After due consideration by taking into account the rationale and the best interests of the Company and its
ลูกค้ำบญัชี cash account ที่ได้วำงค่ำซ้ือไว้ เต็มจ ำนวนแล้ว ได้รบัยกเว้นกำรค ำนวณค่ำควำมเสี่ยง เช่นเดียวกับบัญชี cash balance ส ำนักงำนเห็นด้วย และไดป้รับปรุงกำรแก้ไขค ำอธิบำยตำมแนวทำง ดังกล่ำวแล้ว 8
สิทธิอนุพันธ 4. การตั้งบัญชีเงินสํารอง (Reserve account) หรือเงินทนุทยอยชําระ (Sinking fund) ในรูปทรัสตเพือ่การชําระหนีใ้นการออกหุนกู 5. การตั้งบัญชีทรัพยสินในรูปทรัสตในการเรียกเก็บหนีใ้หนิติบุคคล
Thailand regarding disclosure of information and other acts of listed companies relating to connected transactions B.E. 2546 (2003). Upon calculation of transaction value by taking into account the highest
Thailand regarding disclosure of information and other acts of listed companies relating to connected transactions B.E. 2546 (2003). Upon calculation of transaction value by taking into account the highest
decreased by THB 3,013 million or 54%, on account of decrease in: 1. Trade accounts payable decreased by THB 1,413 million. 2. Short-term loan from related parties decreased by THB 1,239 million. 3. Other
30, 2019, the company has received returned on doubtful accounts amount of 2.79 million Baht, which is the whole amount of trade account receivables. In this period, there's no recognition on allowance