customers. The bank will consider provide the loan types, the interest rate, limit loan types and payment period to appropriate with the customer business types and provided the loans considering process
customers. The bank will consider provide the loan types, the interest rate, limit loan types and payment period to appropriate with the customer business types and provided the loans considering process
customers. The bank will consider provide the loan types, the interest rate, limit loan types and payment period to appropriate with the customer business types and provided the loans considering process
has offered the financial products and services completely for clearly respond the customers. The bank will consider provide the loan types, the interest rate, limit loan types and payment period to
it may limit the credit rating. 3.14 A CRA should indicate in the announcement of a credit rating that is the result or the subject of a credit rating action when the credit rating was last updated or
Experience’s assets in order to limit the negative effect on the Company. The Company has inquired the management of Hero Experience Company on the status of the creditor and the payment method, Hero
(Investment Grade) หรือตราสารท่ีไมไดรับการจดัอันดับ ความนาเช่ือถือ - - สัดสวนสูงสดุ (Upper limit) ท่ีบริษัทจัดการคาดวาจะลงทุนในกลุม (ง) เทากับ 15 %NAV รายละเอียดตัวตราสารและอันดับความนาเช่ือถือของตราสาร
37.5 percent in Hero Experience, shall carefully co-consider with the major shareholder regarding the management of Hero Experience’s assets in order to limit the negative effect on the Company. The
- 19 would come into play in Q2/2020 onwards due to the government’s measure to limit transportation, the delay of economic activities, and the temporary unemployment. These will impact the payment
-consider with the major shareholder regarding the management of Hero Experience’s assets in order to limit the negative effect on the Company. The Company has inquired the management of Hero Experience