Asset (NTA) 422,715 5. The Scope of Interest Mr. Prachnon Termritikulchai, a Company’s Director and CEO, is a related person therefore did not attend and did not vote in this BOD meeting. 6. Opinion of
consider the restructure of the Company’s precision subsidiaries is deemed as internal organization restructure for the Company group, which does not fall into the scope of (a) the acquisition or the Tel. 0-2741-5700-5 / Fax 0-2741-6878 / Company Tax ID : 0107545000021 the long-term. Which, has a positive effect on the company’s performance and the expand scope of work for
baht = 1.21 % of NTA 6) The Characteristics and scope of the interest of the connected persons to enter to the connected transaction. This transaction is considered as the connected transaction regarding
., Samae-Dam, Bang Khun Thian, Bangkok 10150 Tel. 02-897-8888, 02-897-8800 Fax. 02-897-8890 6) The Characteristics and scope of the interest of the connected persons to enter to the connected transaction
subsidiaries as at June 30, 2018 Size of Transaction : = Value of Transaction/Net Tangible Assets = 94.23 million baht / 5,129.35 million baht = 1.83 % of NTA 5) The Characteristics and scope of the interest of
subsidiaries as at September 30, 2018 Size of Transaction : = Value of Transaction/Net Tangible Assets = 107.18 million baht / 5,146.41 million baht = 2.09 % of NTA 1.6 The Characteristics and scope of the
of Directors resolved to approve the offer of financial assistance or the granting of loan transaction. 5. Connected persons, and nature and scope of interests of the connected person The granting of
business is construction work which has all scope of work on Engineering drawing, Procurement machine and equipment, and Construction management to serve all client requirement in every construction process
Group’s business is construction work which has all scope of work on Engineering drawing, Procurement machine and equipment, and Construction management to serve all client requirement in every construction