Company’s position to continuously innovate new “To-Go” products and provides greater accessibility of the products to customers. In 2H/2020 and going forwards, the Company expects to increase modern trade
the smaller store layout and Grab and Go products. At present, the Company has 31 operating branches of ‘Mikka’ in which 11 branches are owned by the Company, distributed across several office and
Outlook TOWARD THE SECOND HALF OF 2021 In order to expand the variety of To-Go beverage products, the company has also released 3 new instant Thai herbal drinks which are fresh ginger juice, fresh galingale
purchasing power of consumers who go travelling at the beach. In addition, special menus was launched including the Watermelon Kagirori, Coconut Kagigori or the Blended Guava with Plum. Expand dessert shops
Tourism Industry After the government has gradually relaxed the measures for travel into Thailand by announcing the cancellation of the Test & Go system, the cancellation of all forms of quarantine for
เลขาธิการ ก.ล.ต. เมื่อวันที่ 23 พฤษภาคม 2554 Time for Thai Companies to Go Global Speech by Mr. Thirachai Phuvanatnaranubala, Secretary-General, Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand, at the London
% GO/DB 10.93 11.34 16.18 12.37 13.83 27% 22% 10.38 12.34 19% FO/DB -4.27 -1.78 0.40 -2.96 -1.35 68% 24% -6.11 -2.10 66% สถานการณ์ส่วนต่างราคาน ้ามนัส าเรจ็รปูและน ้ามนัดิบอ้างอิง (Crack Spread) ส่วน
เกี่ยวกบัสงครำมกำรค้ำระหว่ำงสหรฐัฯกบัจนี โดยเฉพำะส่วนต่ำงรำคำน ้ำมนัเบนซนิ -ดูไบ (UNL95/DB) ส่วนต่ำงรำคำ น ้ำมนัเจท็ (เคโรซนี)-ดไูบ (IK/DB) และสว่นต่ำงรำคำน ้ำมนัดเีซล-ดูไบ (GO/DB) สง่ผลใหธุ้รกจิโรงกลัน่ม
14.70 14.42 15.80 11.25 13.69 -7% -5% IK/DB 11.29 13.27 19.88 13.79 16.05 42% 21% GO/DB 11.83 13.01 16.43 13.56 14.76 25% 13% FO/DB -3.16 -3.03 -2.94 -6.83 -4.96 -57% -63% Crack Spreads Analysis The
% -11% 14.44 12.92 -11% IK/DB 10.78 16.05 17.77 12.08 15.29 42% -5% 11.04 15.67 42% GO/DB 11.34 14.76 16.03 11.66 14.63 29% -1% 11.59 14.69 27% FO/DB -1.78 -4.96 -1.70 -7.04 -4.45 -151% 10% -2.48 -4.71