Cost of rental and services 22.90 26.14 -12.40 5.17 11.75 -55.98 Total gross profit 218.14 306.21 -28.76 156.31 198.67 -21.32 Selling & Marketing expenses 48.41 83.43 -41.98 26.57 43.45 -38.84
- 4 (63) Add: Gain on disposal of PPE (0) (2) (0) Less: Loss on written-off of PPE 0 4 1 Add: Expense related to defined benefit plans, unrealized items, share of JV, provisions etc. (3) 7 57 Add
2016 Pe rfo rm an ce Group Revenues 3,292 2,897 Group Sales Volume (k tons) 182 187 Group EBITDA 213 109 Group Net Profit (Loss) 65 (30) HR C HRC Sales (k tons) 182 187 HRC Production Volume (k tons) 190
Company Limited and Subsidiaries hereafter refer as (The Company) would like to clarify the Company’s operating results for the year ended December 31, 2019. The Company had the net profit of 50.94 million
(the “Company”) would like to clarify in operating performance of year 2019 ended December 31st 2019. The Company’s net profit was Baht 133.38 Million which increased Baht 27.83 Million or 26.37
Company Limited and Subsidiaries hereafter refer as (The Company) would like to clarify the Company’s operating results of the second quarter of 2019 ended June 30, 2019. The Company had the net profit of
BLA through its the securities trading account in such a way as to take advantage of other persons by using negative material non- public information concerning BLA’s operating net profit decrease in Q2
fell from Q3/2013 with the net profit of 1,100.96 million baht, a decrease of 179.98 percent and fell from Q2/2014 with the net profit of 168.79 million baht, a decrease of 621.72 percent, before such
Company Limited ("TRUBB"). Mrs. Thiphawan knew the inside information about an increase of the net profit of TRUBB and subsidiaries between January to February 2017 and January to March of 2017
"). Mr. Atthawit knew the inside information about an increase of the net profit of TRUBB and subsidiaries between January to February 2017 and January to March of 2017 from Miss Panjama