) (134.10) 1. Revenues from sales 1.1. The company does not have income from the ownership transfer of condominium units in the quarter 2nd of year 2020 due to The Situation of the outbreak of Covid-19 and
million baht, in accordance with the consolidated financial statements as of September 30, 2019, which exceeded 0.03% but not over 3.00% of NTA. The Company has already disclosed information to the Stock
fund/ commodity/ gold/ oil and so forth with the fiscal annual average of not less than 80% of the NAV. ▪ In case of the fund with a https://publish.sec.or.th/nrs/9030s.pdf PowerPoint Presentation % 0% 0
position and receive salary shall not receive any of the remuneration stated in the below table. Position Fixed Remuneration (Baht/month) Monthly Remuneration (Baht/month) Meeting Allowance (Baht/Meeting
13.35 million by using working capital of the Company. The above three sellers do not have any relationships with the Company, shareholders or managements of the Company. The aforementioned transactions
oversubscribing shareholders shall not exceed the number of shares that such oversubscribing shareholders subscribe and make subscription payment for. 4 (b) In case there are remaining unallotted shares after the
oversubscribing shareholders shall not exceed the number of shares that such oversubscribing shareholders subscribe and make subscription payment for. 4 (b) In case there are remaining unallotted shares after the
with the provisions of the Public Company Act that require the Company to reduce the share capital by cancellation of registered shares that have not been issued prior to increase new share capital
diligence satisfactory; (d) Link Capital I finds that the Company does not have an alternative financial source for the capital expenditure and working capital necessary to increase its production rate up to
shares of KPN Academy Company Limited (“KPN Academy”) in the proportion of not less than 57.52 percent of total number of sold shares of KPN Academy from the existing shareholders, i.e. (1) Mr. Nop