บรรจุภณัฑ ์ ดว้ยเครื่องจกัรทีท่นัสมยั และทมีงาน ทีม่ปีระสบการณ์กว่า 20 ปี มโีรงงานผลติบรรจุภณัฑจ์ านวน 3 โรงงานไดแ้ก ่ โรงงานผลติ กระสอบ Big bag, โรงงานผลติ PE Blow film และโรงงานผลติ Flexible packaging
appropriate, beneficial to the Company, and in accordance with the strategy and policy of the Company to be flexible and conducts the businesses in the area of the Company’s experience and expertise, and true
of 18 In order for a convenient and flexible process in relation to the investment in the Target Group Hotels and Resorts through the purchase of equity in the Target Company by taking into account the
range. Due to the fact that the sale of land and structures is more flexible and will be interested by a wider group of buyers and investors, therefore, there is no discount in fixing the base price as
range. Due to the fact that the sale of land and structures is more flexible and will be interested by a wider group of buyers and investors, therefore, there is no discount in fixing the base price as
range. Due to the fact that the sale of land and structures is more flexible and will be interested by a wider group of buyers and investors, therefore, there is no discount in fixing the base price as
new stations were opened in this quarter, and maintains service station market share sales in the second place. 4. Selling, General and Administrative expense decreased when compared to the previous
was 1,127 branches, the company opened new 65 branches, most of them being standard stations, emphasizing a modern aesthetic on main roads and locales with potential. Additionally, existing location
. Under expansion strategy in 2018, the Company opened 6 new hotels under the management residing in Dusit International and signed 14 new management contracts in the Philippines, China, Myanmar, Japan
cans in the 3rd quarter of 2017. The Group believes such window of business opportunities is opened up by our bolstering visibility of energy drinks under Carabao trademark in the global spotlight