size of all transactions in the past 6 months also does not exceed the 15 percent threshold limits as prescribed in the regulations. This transaction is expected to be completed within Q1, 2019, subject
Disposition of Assets, 2004 (as amended), is less than 15 percent and the total size of all transactions in the past 6 months also does not exceed the 15 percent threshold limits as prescribed in the
Disposition of Assets, 2004 (as amended), is less than 15 percent and the total size of all transactions in the past 6 months also does not exceed the 15 percent threshold limits as prescribed in the
การก าหนดประเภทของผู้ลงทุนที่สามารถลงทุนในกองทุนรวมดังกล่าว แต่มีข้อเสนอแนะบางประเด็นที่ส าคัญ ดังนี้ (1) บลจ. มีข้อสังเกตที่หลากหลายเกี่ยวกับการก าหนดตัวเลข net worth และการอนุญาตให้พิจารณา port size
contract has been made. 7. Disposition of assets Type of transaction : Calculation of transaction size was done according to the announcement regarding the acquisition or disposition of assets by referring
) 2676 4031-6, (66) 2676 3836-9 Fax : (66) 2676 4038-9 http :// ทะเบียนเลขที่ 0107537000475 (เดิมเลขที่ บมจ.294) 2 The accumulated size of this transaction, which have been calculated
on which NNV s and Services y purchased a on size is 3.7 Thus, total ration criterion g to the Notifi However, on bsidiary of list ons of the S re of Informat In addition, A pany. Thus it RE: Rules on
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ness will bring Board of Dire nt business d could rent th nto above tra he Notification sactions Deem Exchange of T on and Dispos nsaction size hod gives the ncial statemen sets during th on, i.e. the
. The nature and extent of the interest of the connected persons in the transaction 10.In this Business Size has not over 20 million baht but over than 3% of NTA value of the company, So the company has