. Issuer’s directors are on an individual basis; and b. Issuer’s senior managements are on lump sum basis. C. Share Ownership Provide current information about the amount of shares held by the issuer’s
income payer shall be responsible for deducting a 15-percent withholding tax from taxable income which shall include (1) a share of profit or any other benefits of the same characteristics derived from the
. Ordinary or common shares should feature one vote for each share. Divergence from a ‘one-share, one-vote’ standard which gives certain shareholders power disproportionate to their economic interests should
., shareholders, entities whose shares are held, common shareholders, common directors, using the same trademarks, or sharing employees, etc. In case of shareholding between the audit firm and any of the network
connection, e.g., shareholders, entities whose shares are held, common shareholders, common directors, using the same trademarks, or sharing employees, etc. In case of shareholding between the audit firm and
including the value of common economic, social and environmental assets, on which returns and clients’ and beneficiaries’ interests depend.” 4 Stewardship tools and activities Investors can fulfil their
approved list of the SEC Office; (15) “fund supervisor” means the supervisor of a fund; (16)2 “common person group” means the persons with one or more of the following relationships: (a) spousal relationship
approved list of the SEC Office; (15) “fund supervisor” means the supervisor of a fund; (16)2 “common person group” means the persons with one or more of the following relationships: (a) spousal relationship
) “ financial advisor ” means a financial advisor on the approved list of the SEC Office; (15) “ fund supervisor ” means the supervisor of a fund ; (16)2 “ common person group ” means the persons with one or more
% (620,591) (1,261,868) 51% Basic Earnings (Loss) per share Loss (Baht per share) (0.0073) (0.0762) -90% (0.0273) (0.0827) -67% Weighted average number of common shares (Thousand shares) 22,740,610 15,257,471