generally announced its opening hours. The management company may temporarily accept purchase or sales orders outside the head office or a branch office. The management company shall prepare a report
services to customers outside the office hours which are prescribed by the Office only if the management company has publicly and generally announced its opening hours. The management company may temporarily
following duties: (1) arrange to have a computer set where customer can submit a trading instructions for derivatives contract by themselves; (2) accept a derivatives trading account opening form and forward
following duties: (1) arrange to have a computer set where customer can submit a trading instructions for derivatives contract by themselves; (2) accept a derivatives trading account opening form and forward
themselves; (2) accept a derivatives trading account opening form and forward the application to head office or a full-service branch office for approval; (3) accept or deliver money or securities by
percent when compared to the previous year in accordance to expressway users learning behavior, together with the opening of the Connection between the Si Rat-Outer Ring Road Expressway and the Northbound
at 62,300 trips/ day representing an increase by 12 percent when compared to the same quarter of the previous year in accordance to expressway users learning behavior, together with the opening of the
identified and verified to support deposit account opening and sim card registration. 6 Forth Smart Service Public Company Limited (FSMART) 2Q18 Management Discussion and Analysis Furthermore, the Company
identified and verified to support deposit account opening and sim card registration. 6 Forth Smart Service Public Company Limited (FSMART) 2Q18 Management Discussion and Analysis Furthermore, the Company
าเนินการเตรยีมเปิดธุรกจิดา้นสขุภาพ ท าใหต้อ้งมคี่าใชจ้่ายในการขายและบรหิารในช่วงแรก (Pre-opening expense ) โดยคาดว่ากลุ่มบรษิทัจะ สามารถเริม่ด าเนินธุรกจิดา้นสขุภาพไดใ้นไตรมาสที ่4 ของปีนี้ - ตน้ทุนทา