continue to grow, the ACMF has agreed to strengthen regional collaboration in this sphere, with a view towards addressing potential risks and ensuring market resilience.The ACMF
Capital Markets digital assets continue to grow, the ACMF has agreed to strengthen regional collaboration in this sphere, with a view towards addressing potential risks and ensuring market resilience.The
การบริหารความเสี่ยงและการควบคุมภายในที่เหมาะสม Strengthen Effective Risk Management and Internal Control หลักปฏิบัติ 6.1 คณะกรรมการควรกำกับดูแลให้มั่นใจว่า บริษัทมีระบบการบริหารความเสี่ยงและการควบคุม
continue to grow, the ACMF has agreed to strengthen regional collaboration in this sphere, with a view towards addressing potential risks and ensuring market resilience.The ACMF
enhance and strengthen the Company’s core business. 2) The Company does not have policy to materially change its core business The Company and Phuket Fantasea do not have policy to change the business
Company Carnival Magic Project is a theme park, which is in the tourism and leisure business sector and the same business of the existing group companies. Therefore, this transaction shall enhance and
sector. He stated that “The SDG guidebook and the Impact Standards can be both a business opportunity and a new way to strengthen competitiveness for listed companies and the business sector in Thailand
เข้าถึงระบบดิจิตอล ICT ในชนบทของสเปน, ลงทุนใน Social Funds เพ่ือจัดหาเงิน ให ้Social Enterprises 2Danone ecosystem fund : strengthen and develop the activities of stakeholders within Danone’s ecosystem
demonstrate a thorough understanding of its leadership role, assume its responsibilities in overseeing the company, and strengthen good governance, including: (1) defining objectives; (2) determining means
network quality and superior customer experience. In 3Q18, we engaged in two key partnerships to strengthen core business as well as to drive our mobile money business. First, we have announced a strategic