entrusting the company to manage their private funds with due care and professional standards, consequently liable to be a violation of Section Paragraph 2 and 3 of Section 134, in conjunction with Paragraph 1
appropriateness. Chapter 3 Powers of the SEC Office ________________________ Clause 10 In the case where a certain fact appears to the SEC Office leading to any of the following reasonable suspicions, the SEC
, the applicant shall have no record of violation of the law governing the undertaking of its business, other laws relating to financial business and concerning unfair securities trading, fraudulent or
granted, the applicant shall have no record of violation of the law governing the undertaking of its business, other laws relating to financial business and concerning unfair securities trading, fraudulent
Revision (%YoY) of Selected Sectors Forward P/E In certain sectors, Forward EPS estimates have been revised upward and their Forward P/E ratios were below the 5-year average. Source: Bloomberg, data as of
); (2) Section 15, Section 18, Section 23(3), and the first paragraph of Section 24 of the Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 (2003) which contain certain provisions in relation to restriction of rights and
. 2535 (1992) which contain certain provisions in relation to the restriction of rights and liberties of persons, which Section 29 in conjunction with Section 33, Section 34, Section 41, Section 43
the parties and clear performance where there is either a breach of contract or a triggered condition of acceleration clause. In cases where the lender is an institutional investor under Section 3 of
clear performance where there is either a breach of contract or a triggered condition of acceleration clause. In cases where the lender is an institutional investor under Section 3 of the Derivatives Act
clear performance where there is either a breach of contract or a triggered condition of acceleration clause. In cases where the lender is an institutional investor under Section 3 of the Derivatives Act